Can we get out of our comfort zone?

It's natural for humans to stay in comfort zones because it provides security and comfortable. However, staying in our comfort zone can also limit our growth and potential.

Grand Cayon National Park, USA

Leave comfort zone can challenge ourselves, personal growth, and awareness of our talent and passions. The more we leave our comfort zone the more we see the beautiful world.

Have you ever tried to do it? If not, it is a matter of you being scared and no confidence to get out of it.

In my experience, I was living in a comfort zone where young people were afraid to go outside the village.  Stay away from the village is a personal perspective of my villagers because they were scared to live far away from their families and did not want to challenge new things in their life.

But I tried hard to push myself to leave my small village to continue my study in an urban city. This is the reason that I can see the largest and most beautiful world.

I was the same afraid of stepping outside of my comfort zone, but I have a few ideas for doing so.

First, setting your goals is a great step to identifying what you want to achieve in the future. It is important to stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Second, spend time on reading books, it may help you to get knowledge and experience from reading because there is much motivation and inspiration from authors. Reading provides you with a new perspective and good ideas.

Third, try new things, sometimes you might challenge yourself to do new things and explore new environments. This is the process step to growing yourself and new experiences.

Last but not least, try to connect with positive people is may help you because they would motivate and inspire you. They can share their experiences with you and how you can do it. How can you do it?

Of course, volunteering and attending workshops or training sessions can provide us with the opportunity to meet new people and create new connections that can lead us on new paths in life.

In conclusion, leaving our comfort zone is not easy, but it is essential if we want to achieve our goals and grow as individuals. By challenging ourselves to new experiences, connecting with positive people, and setting goals, we can break out of our comfort zone and create a more fulfilling life for ourselves. Remember, our greatest achievements lie outside the boundaries of our comfort zone.


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