Why we read book
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Why you should engage yourself to read books?
There are many methods to awareness and improve yourself by listen to the audiobook, watch movie, watch YouTube. Last but not least, reading book is also the best way to engage yourself to be good or right person. So, reading books is provides you many benefits as well as self-development, critical thinking, reduce stress, communication skills and improve your brain memories:
1. Self-development
You can read many ways by read newspaper, magazine, blogging, websites and whatever you can. I really encourage you to read books because there is a lot of general knowledge from different books. Reading book is can you advance in solving the challenges you are facing. Regarding to my experiences, I have a best skill to find solution by read motivation books.
2. Critical thinking
I fully agrees, critical thinking can helps peoples better understand themselves, and think independently, ability to reflect on problems and good decision for their goals or dreams. Reading books is type of improving critical thinking. For example, I was not really good in thinking, but I after reading, I realized that I myself have better understanding and makes me think positively and critical focusing on my dreams.
3. Reducing stress
Another of effects of reading book is could helps you to reducing pressures. According to researching, discovered that reading book is the excellent thing to reduce stressful or pressure. As truth, reading is very joyful because it brings you to be more cheerful, be motivates, and have a wonderful time. For me, when I got pressure from work place or schools, I often hold a motivation book and find a comfortable place to read to reduce spreading pressures. In that book, there is unexpected things that I had never known. Therefore, after I was spending 5 minutes of enjoy reading books, I felt like I have more encourages from authors and I thought that I were being a man who have more powerful. It is true story from a motivation book which could be a good mentor for me when feel stressful. Keep enjoy reading books!
4. Communication skills
Communication is really effective for our life, we can not live without strong connection with another guys. Meanwhile, some peoples think that it is hard to develop the communication styles because they do not know the way how to awareness this skill to be better in their life. In fact, since I was in high school, I have a friend (girl) who id lack of communication with teachers, friends, and also with her family. And she was a shy student when teacher call her to answer the question or do the exercise in the class. But after that, everything has changed from a girl who was not brave toward to be a girl who has very strong communication, not only this one, she is a great person, who can encourage young peoples in the community. I do really appreciate and proud of her change from a shy girl to be good person who really good in communicate with different guys such as nasty teacher, friends, whoever. Do you know why? Sure, she told me that she has been trying so hard to improve her communication skills '' I have spending my free times, focus on reading on blogging, websites, novel, and specially from more books, " she said. I totally agreed with her stories what she shared with me. Then I decided to include her experienced in m blog.
5. Improve memories
Reading every day not only can improve your communication skill, but it eithers can improve your memory. For example, reading may influence and increase your writing and vocabulary. Question, are you often forgetting good things? Do you want to remember?
Being humans, we perhaps could not be legendary guy, who have good memory as robots. However, we should not be forgetter forever, so, I discovered that there are many methods we need to improve our improve memory. In my opinion, I would share my fact experiences. I believed that reading book is also can help makes our memory to get better and stock lots of stories. How do I improve my memory? Therefore, I was a man who was not good in remembering, when my mom tell me to buy a something for her, I had never bought something what she ordered. After few years later, I have improving and changing myself to be a person who good at remembering. How I can improve it? I am sure that I have good memory then before because I spend my free time in right things as well as enjoy reading books, novels, magazine, and from social media. Yeye, this is just first step to improve memory and not at least.
6. Learn something new
Another one of benefits of reading as I mentioned for you, there are many types of of reading, you can read on website, blogs, and wherever you can get reading, from read books, I trust that read book is also good way to gain new knowledges from different books. You will discover good lessons from books related what you are preferring and needing. Specifically, you will know and see excellent skills in the book what you have never learned before. According to research, has shown that long-term fiction readers tend to develop a better '' theory of mind'' the term used to to explain our capacity for empathy and ability for empathy and ability to to understand others. Mr. John who is the author, said that reading, '' Excellent books helps you easily to understand, and they help you feel understood.'' The more you read the more know...
In conclusion, reading is great for you and me because it help us brings us many benefits such as learn something new, be critical thinking, reduce stress or pressures, improve communication, feeling good, strong memory, etc.
Finally, I hopeful after you read my blog, you will be understood and starting to love reading books or whatever you can read.
This is my blog post which I wanna share my personal opinions and experiences from reading books to the high school and university students. Hopeful, you enjoy reading this blogging.
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